Witchy Ways: How to Use Ritual Candles

Witchy Ways: How to Use Ritual Candles

If you’re new to the world of candles and their many uses, you may be wondering how to get started. Ritual candles have been used for centuries in a variety of rituals and ceremonies, and there are many ways to incorporate them into your own practice. In this article, we’ll give you a crash course on using ritual candles for spells, manifestations, witchcraft, spirituality, and altars.

What are ritual candles?
Ritual candles are an important tool for many witches, spell casters, and spiritualists. Also known as chime candles, these tend to be narrower than and shorter than taper candles. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as spells, manifestations, witchcraft, spirituality, and altars.

Ritual candles are a simple but powerful way to focus your intention and raise energy for spells, rituals, and other magical workings. When choosing candles for your rituals, take some time to consider what color and type of candle will best suit your work. Read on to learn how to select, prep, and use ritual candles in your spell work or candle magick!

Preparing ritual candles for spells, manifestations, and intentions
Ritual candles can be used for a variety of spells, including those for manifestation, witchcraft, spirituality, and altars. They can be used to represent the elements, intentions, or energies you wish to work with. It is very important to choose a candle that is appropriate for the type of spell you are working as it increases the success of your manifestation work. When choosing a candle, consider the color, scent, and purpose. See below for more information about choosing the right color candle ;)

Another way to prep ritual candle for a spell, for example, is anoint the candle with oil, herbs, or other ingredients that correspond to your intention. Once the candle is anointed, you can then dress the candle with herbs, using your fingers to rub the herbs into the candle.

Once the candle color is selected and dressed with oils and herbs as needed, you can then carve symbols or words into the candle. Inscribing candles with symbols or words can increases their power and make your witchy work even more intentional and effective.

Choosing Ritual Candle Colors

Witchy Ways: How To Use Ritual Candles

Ritual candles are a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals - and are even more powerful when you use colors aligned with your purpose. Each color candle has a different meaning and can be used to achieve different results. By using the right color candle for your purpose, you can increase the power of your spell or manifestation. For example, for basic intention setting you may use a singular color related to the topic of your intention. If you’re using them in a spell it’s likely you’ll use multiples and different colors.

Red: hot color - represents energy and action. Use for areas of love, vitality, will power and desires.

Orange: self confidence, optimism and success.

Yellow: Use this help make your spells and manifestations happen faster. Ideal for areas of communications, trust and happiness.

Green: prosperity, fertility, luck and balance.

Blue: peace, creativity and patience.

Purple: psychic power, division and healing.

Black: Seen in rituals for banishing, hexing, protection, regeneration, riddance and transition.

Pink: Most commonly used in the areas of love.

White: The most popular choice for ritual use. They are the least intense and therefore make great choices for beginners. Any color can be enhanced with a white They are the least intense and encourage enlightenment, healing, purification and protection.

How to use ritual candles for altars, spells, and manifestations
Once you have chosen the right candle, you need to charge it with your intention. You can do this by holding the candle in your hands and visualizing your goal. The more clear and focused your intention is, the more likely it is that your manifestation will occur. For example, if you are doing a spell for money, visualize yourself surrounded by money, or if you are doing a spell for healing, visualize yourself surrounded by healing energy. 

After you have charged the candle, you may decide to perform a daily ritual where you light the candle while repeating your intention until the candle is fully burned down. Alternatively, you may use your altar to perform a spell in one session.

Witchy Ways: How To Use Ritual Candles

Enhance your altar and spell work further by selecting crystals that complement your intentions. For example, if you are doing work around healing, try using labradorite in the ritual. If you are doing one focused around love, rose quartz is ideal. Crystal use in altars, spells and manifestations is its own learning curve so be sure to check out our main guide and supplemental crystal shout outs on our blog! 

You can use ritual candles for a number of reasons - to get rid of negativity, to attract love or money, or to add more power to your spells and rituals. Just be creative, and don't be afraid to experiment! The main thing is to have fun, and to let your imagination run wild. After all, that's what candle magic is all about!