#GuestLens with Katherine Anick-Jenkins

#GuestLens with Katherine Anick-Jenkins

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We love surrounding ourselves with talented women, and that's why this month's #GuestLens goes to Katherine Anick-Jenkins, talented photographer and one of our BFFs. Kitty (that's what we call her bc she's so darn cute!) shot and styled some amazing vintage looks on another BFF of the store, Jeanny. Photos were taken in the Friends Studio. Kitty used Instax mini, samurai x 3.0 and Olympus stylus for our Friends shoot. You can check out some of the vintage here.

#guestlens with Katherine Anick-jenkins


We asked Kitty a few questions about herself and her process.

How long have you been doing photography? Can you send us a 2-3 of your fave images you've ever captured?

I picked up a camera for real about 5 years ago. I bought myself a Minolta SRT101 for my birthday. It opened up an opportunity for me explore the city in a new way and the people around me with a different lens. It's really hard to choose my favorite photos. I love to capture people and energy, neighborhood fixtures and quiet moments.

#guestlens with Katherine Anick-jenkins

#guestlens with Katherine Anick-jenkins

What is your favorite camera to shoot with and why?

Recently it's been my point and shoot, an Olympus Stylus, since my Minolta is broken. The Olympus is light to carry and it has auto focus and flash built in. I shot with a Samurai x 3.0 for the first time and it felt amazing like I was Amy Poheler's character in Mean Girls like "sweetie ur doing amazing".

#guestlens with Katherine Anick-jenkins

You have a great eye for styling and shooting vintage clothing. What is your favorite vintage score ever?

Thank you! I've seen a lot of stuff over the years and I've let a lot of good stuff come and go. I have to break it down though: my favorite thrift score, issey miyake black pleated pants for $3.99 and my favorite vintage score would be a pair of vintage selvedge Levi's. I wore them to actual shreds.

#guestlens with Katherine Anick-jenkins

#guestlens with Katherine Anick-jenkins

Any advice for amateur photographers?

Always carry your camera and take the shot! So many times I've regret not pulling out my camera. Film is a risk but once you get over that, you learn from the good and the bad photos you take. Take pictures of people and things you love - not what's cool for Instagram or what you think people want to see. Film is an investment but it's worth it. I love the surprise and the learning experience of it all. Also, I suggest getting a light weight camera, especially when you're first starting out. It's great for being out all day and traveling.

#guestlens with Katherine Anick-jenkins