Friends NYC is proud to support our LGBTQ+ family all year long, but we shout it extra loudly each June for PRIDE. This month is about being proud of who you are and celebrating all ways to love and live. We are giving back to the community by offering a percentage of sales on Pride Day to GLITS (Gays & Lesbians Living in a Transgender Society).
Time to get shopping and make your money work extra hard for this amazing organization! BONUS: all purchases on NYC Pride day - June 26, 2022 - will get a free gift w purchase, our best selling Rainbow Drip candle set.
Read GLITS Mission Statement Here:
Glits has been led to change systemic and economical oppressions of systemic and financial discrimination not only in NYC but also globally when it comes to our marginal communities. We approach the health and rights crises faced by transgender community members and the sex worker community , holistically using harm reduction, human rights principles, economic and social justice, along with a commitment to empowerment and pride in finding solutions from our own community. The first issue we address is that of immediate need/crisis support for transgender sex workers and the TLGBQIA and Bi Poc community members from the NYC area, across the US and globally through supporting asylum seekers from our priority communities. The next issue we address is health care and health resilience for transgender sex workers. We need to address this issue because our community is hype marginalized and has a profound need for safe sex supplies and free/low cost health to address both trans specific and holistic needs. We currently work on housing since so many in our G.L.I.T.S.’ community are without stable housing, deepening the cycle of disenfranchisement. G.L.I.T.S. also advocates and educates to ensure health, wellness and inclusion of transgender people in our society and to address the stigmatization and criminalization of trans people because of anti-prostitution/anti-sex work laws.

Glits offers many services, and in particular they help with relocation, asylum assistance, and physical and mental health assistance. They are located here in New York City and are on the ground, working hard for the trans community. Read more about what they do here:
We admire the work they do and hope you all shop until you drop so we can support such an important organization in our community.
Happy Pride, y’all! We love you!